Komplett EMC-kurs
EMC är hetare än någonsin! Den snabba teknikutvecklingen inom många områden innebär nya EMC-utmaningar. Behovet att uppgradera sin befintliga kunskap och komplettera med ny har aldrig varit viktigare. Därför återkommer vi med heldagarskursen inom EMC även under EE 2018.
Kursledare Michel Mardiguian är en entusiasmerande föreläsare som under många år utbildat elektronikingenjörer över hela världen. Michel har också, bland mycket annat, skrivit åtta handböcker om EMC varav två är översatta på japanska och kinesiska.
Ta chansen till en vidareutbildning inom EMC med en internationellt erkänd utbildare i denna kompakta, men kompletta, EMC-kurs. Kursen ger praktiska och enkla verktyg för att behärska de vanligaste konstruktions- och installationsaspekterna inom EMC.
This dense, but complete, EMC course reviews all the fundamentals of EMC knowledge and practices:
- Generalities, Definitions, Terminology and Special units.
- How severe is EMI nuisance, worldwide, from simple nuisances, to catastrophy?
- The basic trio of understanding EMI and EMC:
– Sources
– Coupling Paths
– Victims with their respective features
- Review of the essential Conducted and Radiated Coupling Mechanisms, with practical examples, quick predictions and practical solutions:
– Filters
– Transient Suppressors
– Grounding and Shielding
– Signal Integrity and…
– Emission Control
- Essential civilian and military EMC Requirements, Tests & Limits
Far from black magic and blind recipes, this course will give practical and simple tools for controlling the most common EMC design and installation aspects. The course is held in English. Complete course documentation is included.
Michel Mardiguian, IEEE Senior Member, graduated electrical engineer BSEE, MSEE, born in Paris,1941. After military service in the French Air Force, Michel worked for Dassault Aviation, 1965 to 1968. Moved to the IBM R&D Laboratory near Nice, France, working in the packaging of modems and digital PABXs.
Michel Mardiguian started his EMC career in 1974 as the local IBM EMC specialist. From 1976 to -80, he was also the French delegate to the CISPR Working Group on computer RFI, participating to what became CISPR 22, the root document for FCC 15-J and European EN55022.
In 1980, he joined Don White Consultants (later re-named ICT) in Gainesville, Virginia, USA, becoming Director of Training, then VP Engineering. He developed the market of EMC seminars, teaching himself more than 160 classes in the US and worldwide.
Established since 1990 as a private consultant in France, teaching EMI, RFI, and ESD classes and working on consulting tasks from EMC design to firefighting. One top involvement has been the EMC of the Channel Tunnel, with his British colleagues of Interference Technology International.
Michel has authored 8 widely sold handbooks, two of them being translated in Japanese and Chinese, plus two books co-authored with Don White. He has presented 28 papers at IEEE and Zurich EMC Symposia, and various conferences, and authored 23 articles in technical magazines.
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1 dag: 3 950 kr, 2 dagar: 5 750 kr
(I kursavgiften ingår fika, lunch samt kursdokumentation)