Social and Organizational Aspects on EMC for Internet of Things

The ongoing technical development towards the full vision of the Internet of Things will affect the area of EMC in the way that an increased consideration of social and organizational aspects will be needed in addition to the more or less traditional engineering approach that has characterized the EMC area up to now.

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EMC for wireless Communication systems in Vehicles – EMCCOM

EMCCOM . was a three year VINNOVA financed FFI project within the Vehicle Development program. EMCCOM started 2012-09-14 and ended 2015-06-30. The project had a total budget of 7,3 MSEK. Partners in the project were Volvo Cars, Volvo AB, Provinn AB, FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency and SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden.

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Påverkas du av de nya kraven på radioutrustning?

Det nya EU-direktivet om radioutrustning införlivades i svensk lagstiftning den 13 juni 2016 och preciseras i Postoch telestyrelsens (PTS) föreskrifter. Direktivet sätter ramarna för vilka krav en produkt måste uppfylla för att få tillhandahållas på marknaden och tas i bruk inom EU, samt vem som ansvarar för att säkerställa att dessa krav är uppfyllda.

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LTE Advanced Pro: the mobile future of the Internet of Things

In the not too . distant future, the Internet of Things will connect several billions of devices to the Internet. This is only possible if cost-effective communications networks and wireless devices are available. By using wireless technologies such as Bluetooth®, ZigBee, Wi-Fi or cellular networks, almost anything, anywhere in the world, can be connected quickly and reliably to the Internet. The latest cellular technologies, eMTC and NB‑IoT, will play an important role in the success of the Internet of Things. These technologies pave already the way to 5G networks of the future optimized not only for enhanced mobile broadband applications but for the diverse IoT applications requiring massive machine type communication (mMTC) or ultra-reliable, low-latency communication (URLLC)

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Skärmverkan och mikrovågs-effekter på fönster och fönsterglas

Ett allt vanligare . fenomen är att mobil telekommunikation inte fungerar i moderna/nybyggda hus. Detta kan härledas till de moderna energisparfönster som monteras in. Denna skärmverkan är inte bara ett problem utan kan också vändas till en fördel i de fall man vill skydda verksamhet från yttre elektromagnetiska störningar, till exempel avsiktlig elektromagnetisk störning (IEMI), samt i de fall då man vill undvika att röjande strålning (RÖS) från elektronisk utrustning läcker ut och kan avlyssnas.

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Detection of Electromagnetic Interference at Critical Societal Functions

The use of wireless . technology has exploded in recent decades and has led to the fact that most individuals today use such technology in some form. This is also a general trend in other parts of the society, such as security and safety applications and for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. We can also see rapidly increasing use of wireless technologies in critical societal functions such as energy production, transport, logistics, banking and financial systems, and industrial and security applications. This despite the fact that civilian wireless technologies are very sensitive to electromagnetic interference signals.

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Tactical Consequences of Radio Spectrum Out-of-Band Properties

Tactical communications . for ground-based operations requires many co-located communication systems on combat vehicles. Typical frequency bands for such communications are the 30–88 MHz band for army combat radio and the harmonized NATO band 225–400 MHz. As a result of increasing demands of different communication services and larger bandwidth, the amount of co-located communication systems in these bands is continuously increasing. A consequence of this is that the used frequencies will be less separated, meaning that out-of-band properties will be of severe importance for the performance of the individual systems.

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Michel Mardiguian . Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) is the generic term describing a situation whereas an electrical disturbance generated by a certain electronic/electrical equipment is causing an undesirable response to another equipment. This undesirable effect may range from a mere nuisance to a catastrophic failure, with associated financial losses or eventually human casualties. The origin of the disturbance could also be a natural phenomena like lightning strokes or ElectroStatic Discharges (ESD). ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is just the opposite: EMI being the disease, EMC is the cure, that is the discipline analyzing and preventing or fixing interference problems.

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EMC problems caused by ageing products – a real world example

A new product . must comply with certain EMC requirements in order to fulfill the essential requirements in the EMC directive. Mostly we take it for granted the product maintains its EMC performance through its entire lifetime. From sometimes bitter experience we know that our dear products fail occasionally, needing repair or replacement. Most people relate failure to loss of function but loss of EMC performance can also occur.

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