Report from EMC Europe 2019

EMC Europe . International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility was arranged the 2 – 6 September in Barcelona Spain. It was locally organized by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Nord. EMC Europe is the major European conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility and covers a wide area of topics within EMC. As usual, the conference had tutorials, workshops, poster sessions and oral sessions. High quality scientific and engineering papers were presented in a variety of themes within EMC. 

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Massive IoT and EMC

Abstract — . The technical development towards the full vision of the Internet of Things (ioT) is expected to reach it´s full potential by the coming 5G wireless technologies. This will open up for so called massive IoT characterized by co-location densities in the order of 200000 devices per km2. This development will affect the area of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in a number of ways and may even be the most challenging issue for the EMC area since it was born for over 100 years ago. In this paper, some of these new challenges are highlighted and discussed. Furthermore, numerical results from some dense co-location scenarios are presented to show examples of interference challenges to be handled.

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Silent Knowledge within EMC

Within theory of knowledge, . it is common to distinguish between explicit- and implicit knowledge. Sometimes the term ”silent knowledge is used”. What is silent knowledge within EMC?

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Dilemmas and EMC

An editor´s reflections . Sometimes EMC issues result in dilemmas where conflicting needs / requirements need to be addressed.

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Who has the current lead in EMC?

An editor’s reflections . The EMC area has evolved in different directions since it was born about hundred years ago. From the beginning, the driving force was concerns about unintentional interference from electronics and how such interference might affect the new public radio broadcasting services.

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The networked connected society – a vision that requires EMC!

An editor’s reflections . The total number of mobile subscriptions in the world is now as big as the world’s population. At the same time actors in the mobile communication industry have launched a vision that makes today’s mobile use appear only as a starting point. After the third and fourth generation mobile systems such developments are now underway to the fifth generation, 5G.

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The EMC circle is closed

An editor’s reflections . The EMC area was born about a hundred years ago, when radio broadcasts began. At that time there was a concern that electromagnetic interference signals from electrical household equipment in could interfere with the reception of the new service.

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